Five Fantastic Books for Teaching Syntax


Mastering syntax is fundamental to effective communication. This makes it a critical component of language instruction. For educators, a deep understanding of syntax is essential for teaching grammar and enhancing students’ reading and writing skills. The following collection of books for teaching syntax offers comprehensive guidance on the theory and practice of teaching syntax.

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Here are Five Books for Teaching Syntax!

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1. Syntax Knowledge to Practice by Margie Bussmann Gillis

This book bridges the gap between theoretical knowledge of syntax and its practical application in the classroom. It provides educators with strategies and tools to help students understand and use syntax effectively, emphasizing the importance of explicit instruction in syntax for improving reading and writing skills.

2. Syntax Handbook Everything You Learned about Syntax — but Forgot by Laura M. Justice

Version 1.0.0

This handbook serves as a refresher on the fundamental concepts of syntax for educators. It covers the key aspects of sentence structure, grammar, and syntax rules that are essential for teaching reading and writing. The book is designed to help educators recall and apply these principles in their teaching practices.

3. Multisensory Teaching of Basic Language Skills by Judith R. Birsh Ed.D., Suzanne Carreker M.Ed. Ph.D.

This comprehensive guide offers a multisensory approach to teaching basic language skills, particularly for students with dyslexia and other learning differences. It includes evidence-based strategies for teaching reading, spelling, and writing through auditory, visual, and kinesthetic-tactile pathways, emphasizing the importance of engaging multiple senses in the learning process.

4. The Writing Revolution: A Guide to Advancing Thinking Through Writing in All Subjects and Grades by Judith C. Hochman, Natalie Wexler

“The Writing Revolution” presents a structured method for teaching writing that integrates writing instruction into all subjects and grade levels. The authors outline a step-by-step approach to help students develop clear and coherent writing skills. The book emphasizes the connection between writing and critical thinking, aiming to improve students’ analytical abilities across the curriculum.

5. The Writing Rope: A Framework for Explicit Writing Instruction in All Subjects by Joan Sedita M.Ed.

This book introduces a framework for explicit writing instruction that integrates various strands of writing development, such as syntax, text structure, and writing process. The book provides practical strategies for teaching writing across different subjects, helping educators support students in becoming proficient and confident writers.

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Whether you are an experienced teacher looking to improve your methods or a new teacher seeking a solid grounding in syntax instruction, these books will equip you with the knowledge and tools to help your students excel.

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